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Control by interconnection for distributed port Hamiltonian systems

Authors:Macchelli Alessandro, University of Bologna, Italy
van der Schaft Arjan, University of Twente, Netherlands
Melchiorri Claudio, University of Bologna, Italy
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Geometric Network Modeling and Control of Complex Physical Systems
Keywords: Port-Hamiltonian systems, In nite-dimensional systems, Energy-shaping


In this paper, new results on the control of distributed parameter systems in port Hamiltonian form are presented. The control by interconnection and energy shaping is applied to the stabilization of a distributed parameter system by means of a finite dimensional controller. The regulator acts on the system through the boundary or the distributed port. The key point is the generalization of Casimir function for systems resulting from the power conserving interconnection of an infinite and a finite dimensional part.