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Extended Moving Boundary Models for Two-Phase Flows

Authors:Yebra Luis Jose, C.I.E.M.A.T., Spain
Berenguel Manuel, U.A.L., Spain
Dormido Sebastian, U.N.E.D., Spain
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Modeling of Physical Systems
Keywords: dynamic modelling, two-phase flows, moving boundary models.


Moving boundary models developed to date are based on several hypotheses that cannot be maintained in several applications, such as solar evaporators. In this work, the main modification in the hypotheses is the difference in pressure along the evaporator, due to the length of the real installations to model (500 m and 1400 m). Modelling of dynamics associated to momentum conservation is necessary in this case, following the scheme in 'staggered-grid' and the Finite Volume Method. This paper presents the development of an extended moving boundary model containing information on the momentum conservation in two additional control volumes.