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Behavioral models over rings--minimal representations and applications to coding and sequences

Authors:Kuijper Margreta, University of Melbourne, Australia
Wu Xin-Wen, University of Melbourne, Australia
Parampalli Udaya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Mathematical Structure of Dynamical Systems
Keywords: behavior,shortest linear recurrence relation, systems over rings, minimality, minimal partial realization, parametrization


In this paper we consider polynomial kernel representations for behaviors. For behaviors over fields it is well-known that minimal representations, i.e. representations with minimal row degrees, are exactly those representations for which the polynomial matrix is row-reduced. In this paper we consider behaviors over a particular type of ring, namely Z_{p^r}, where p is a prime number and r is a positive integer. As a starting point in this investigation we focus on minimal partial realizations. These are equivalent to shortest linear recurrence relations. We present an algorithm that computes a parametrization of all shortest linear recurrence relations for a finite sequence in Z_{p^r}. For this we extend well-known techniques developed by Reeds and Sloane in the 80's with methods from the theory of behavioral modeling.