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Towards a regulation procedure for instantaneous reactive power in nonlinear electrical circuits

Authors:Jeltsema Dimitri, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Garcia-Canseco Eloisa, LSS-SUPELEC, France, Metropolitan
Ortega Romeo, LSS-SUPELEC, France, Metropolitan
Scherpen Jacquelien M. A., Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Nonlinear Control Applications II
Keywords: Passivity-based control, Nonlinear control, Inductive, Capacitive circuits


In a recent paper the authors proposed a classfication of nonlinear RLC circuitsinto “dominantly inductive” or “dominantly capacitive” depending on an order relationbetween stored magnetic and electric energies that, in the linear case, exactly leads tothe classical definitions based on reactive power. Associated to each of the classes is asuitably defined passive map with corresponding supply rate functions, that we interpretas generalized reactive power. In this paper we further investigate the properties of thesefunctions deriving a very simple, and physically interpretable, expression for their rate ofchange and a procedure for its regulation with external sources