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New results on the identification of interval predictor models

Authors:Campi Marco C., Università di Brescia, Italy
Calafiore Giuseppe, Poiltecnico di Torino, Italy
Garatti Simone, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Control and Estimation Under Set-Membership Uncertainty - II
Keywords: Identification, Set-valued maps, Learning theory, Convex optimization


In this paper, the problem of identifying a predictor model for an unknown system is studied. Instead of standard models returning a prediction value as output, we consider models returning prediction intervals. Identification is performed according to some optimality criteria, and, thanks to this approach, we are able to provide, independently of the data generation mechanism, an exact evaluation of the reliability (i.e. the probability of containing the actual true system output value) of the prediction intervals returned by the identified models. This is in contrast to standard identification where strong assumptions on the system generating data are usually required.