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An Overview of the Automation of Load-Haul-Dump Vehicles in an Underground Mining Environment

Authors:Camisani-Calzolari Fernando, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Dragt Bruce, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Craig Ian, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Topic:4.4 Cost Oriented Automation
Session:Automation of Mining Vehicles and Equipment in Metal Industry
Keywords: LHD, load, haul, dump, slip model, no-slip model, safety, unmanned, robotics, autonomous, automation, underground mining, error model, extended kalman filter, absolute navigation, reactive navigation, potential field methods, SLAM, CML


This work is a survey on the automation of load-haul-dump trucks in underground mining. Background on the purpose of LHD vehicles is given and the need to automate LHDs discussed, with emphasis on the underground mining environment. Safety issues regarding mine personnel and mine vehicles are considered. Dynamic and kinematic modelling techniques including slip and no-slip models are discussed. Navigation of the LHD through the mine using absolute and reactive navigation are given and sensor technology is perused.