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Adaptive Output Feedback Control of a Scale Helicopter Restricted to a 2DoF Platform

Authors:Álvarez José Cesáreo Raimúndez, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Portela José Luis Camaño, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Béjar Manuel, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Baltar José Antonio García, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Topic:1.2 Adaptive and Learning Systems
Session:Applications of Adaptive and Learning Control
Keywords: Adaptive control, Neural control, Helicopter control, Output feedback


In this paper we present the application of the adaptive neural-network-technique in (Calise, Hovakimyan and Idam, 2001) to the control of the 3DoF model helicopter in (Avila, Brogliato, Dzul and Lozano, 2003). The technique uses feedback linearization, linear (coarse) compensation and adaptive-neural-network (fine) compensation. The description of the technique is presented in a way as self-contained as possible. The helicopter model also includes a one-sided constraint to address take-off and landing, as well as hover. Our study shows that a very simple and poor plant model is adequate, and that the neural network compensates this, completely on-line, without initial trainig.