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Uncertain demand & supply networks management: application to a regional health care service

Authors:Cassarino Irene, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Villa Agostino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Bellomo Dario, Azienda Sanitaria Locale 19, Asti, Italy
Topic:5.1 Manufacturing Plant Control
Session:Supply Planning and Inventory Control under Uncertainties
Keywords: Health care systems; multi-agent networks; supply chains; demand uncertainty; cooperation


A Local Sanitary Agency – LSA operating in an Italian region can be described as a multi-stage multi-service-center chain, such that it can be modeled by a Collaborative DEmand and Supply NETwork. In order to assure effectiveness and efficiency to the health care network, two main problems have to be approached: 1st. how should the different phases of health care be organized in the service centers of the network such as to assure to each component center a sufficient capacity and cost coverage without congestion? 2nd. how could a collaborative service planning strategy be defined such as to assure to the health care network, as a whole system, clear perspectives of sustainable operations and development? This contribution will discuss an admissible solution of the LSA service planning problem, assuming that said system be modeled by a network of service center under demand uncertainty.