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Automatic Acquisition of a Thesaurus of Interoperability Terms

Authors:Velardi Paola, University of Roma, Italy
Navigli Roberto, University of Roma, Italy
Topic:5.3 Enterprise Integration and Networking
Session:Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprises Applications and Software
Keywords: knowledge acquisition, semantic networks, artificial intelligence, domain analysis, search engines, computer-integrated enterprises, documents


Enterprise Interoperability is the ability of different organizations to work together and exchange documents, data, services, best practices, etc. A preliminary step towards achieving this goal is the assessment of a common vocabulary of relevant domain concepts, a sort of initial, semi-formal, representation of shared domain knowledge. In this paper we describe an experiment, conducted within the INTEROP Network of Excellence (NoE), aimed at automatically extracting a thesaurus of interoperability terms from the web and a corpus of available documents. Statistical and text mining techniques have been used to extract a glossary of relevant terms and term definitions, as well as a preliminary taxonomic structure of the glossary. The result has been evaluated by a team of partners belonging to the NoE.