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Automatic Generation of Lyapunov Functions using Genetic Programming

Authors:Grosman Benyamin, Technion, Israel
Lewin Daniel R., Technion, Israel
Topic:2.4 Optimal Control
Session:Evolutionary Computation in Control Systems Engineering
Keywords: Nonlinear dynamics; Stability; Radius of convergence; Lyapunov functions; Genetic programming.


The selection of a suitable Lyapunov function is a critical step in the stability analysis of nonlinear systems. The appropriate choice can lead to the possibility of guaranteeing increased regions of attraction in the vicinity of a desired stable equilibrium point. Typically, its selection is limited to well-known functions and on the intuition of the researcher, which can lead to suboptimal functions. This paper describes the prelimi¬nary results obtained using a novel method to identify Lyapunov functions using genetic programming.