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Remote Control of Target in Space using Magnetic Force

Authors:Nagai Masaki, University of Tokyo, Japan
Nakasuka Shinichi, University of Tokyo, Japan
Topic:7.3 Aerospace
Session:Spacecraft Control
Keywords: Space, Magnetic fields, Remote control, Target control, Satellite, Simulation, Permanent magnet, Electromagnetic, Attitude, Position


Recently, Formation Flying of satellites has been recognized as an important future on-orbit technology. It has much potential such as leading to flexibility of space mission, low cost, etc. However, conventional thrusters consume propellant fuel, which leads to high cost, high weight and restricted mission life-time.Consequently, magnetic force, which doesn't consume fuel, is widely focused to control relative position of satellites. Magnetic systems for big satellites are researched in some institutes. This paper explored that of small satellites. Particularly, it focuses on control methods for a small observation satellite which controls an optic lens remotely with electromagnet.