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Idle Speed Control of Port-Injection Engines via the Polynomial Equation Approach

Authors:Casavola Alessandro, University of Calabria, Italy
Albertoni Leonardo, University of Florence, Italy
Balluchi Andrea, Parades S.r.l, Italy
Gambelli Claudio, University of Florence, Italy
Mosca Edoardo, University of Florence, Italy
Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Alberto L., University of California at Berkely, United States
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Polynomial Design Methods: Applications
Keywords: Automotive control, idle-speed control, polynomial methods, l-infinity control , dead beat control


The design of an idle speed controller for automotive engines isconsidered. A hybrid nonlinear model of the engine is presented.Based on suitable (nonlinear) change of variables, the idle speedcontrol design problem can satisfactorily be addressed via LTItechniques. Specifically, here it has been formalized as a finitedimensional discrete-time l-infinity optimal control problem,whereby the fuel consumption has to be minimized. Polynomialtechniques have been used to convert the control designformulation to a linear ``least absolute data fitting'' problem,for which solution very efficient and stable numerical methodsexist. Experimental results on a commercial car have been finallyreported.