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On non-local stability properties of extremum seeking control

Authors:Tan Ying, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Nesic D., The University of Melbourne, Australia
Mareels I.M.Y., The University of Melbourne, Australia
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Optimal Control in Nonlinear Systems I
Keywords: Nonlinear, Extremum seeking, Averaging, Singular perturbations, Stability


We revisit the extremum seeking scheme whose local stability properties were analyzed in(Krstic and Wang, 2000) and propose its simplified version that still achieves extremum seeking. We show under slightly stronger conditions that this simplified scheme achieves extremum seeking from arbitrarily large domain of initial conditions if the parameters in the controller are appropriately adjusted. This non-local convergence result is proved by showing semi-global practical stability of the closed-loop system with respect to the design parameters. Moreover, we show at the same time that reducing the parameters typically slows down the convergence of the extremum seeking controller. We present a simulation example to illustrate our results.