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Stabilization of Networked Control Systems: Designing Effective Communication Sequences

Authors:Zhang Lei, University of Maryland, United States
Hristu-Varsakelis Dimitrios, University of Macedonia, Greece
Topic:2.2 Linear Control Systems
Session:Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Control Systems I
Keywords: Reachability, Observability, Stabilization, Linear systems, Communication networks, Communication control applications


This paper discusses the stabilization of a networked control system(NCS) whose sensors and actuators exchange information with a remotecontroller over a shared communication medium. Access to that mediumis governed by a pair of periodic communication sequences. Under themodel utilized here, the controller and plant handle communicationdisruptions by ``ignoring'' (in a sense to be made precise) sensorsand actuators that are not actively communicating. It is shown thatunder mild conditions, there exist periodic communication sequencesthat preserve the reachability and observability of the plant, leadingto a straightforward design of a stabilizing feedback controller.