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A gain scheduling approach for hybrid force/velocity controlled robot contour tracking

Authors:Visioli Antonio, University of Brescia, Italy
Ziliani Giacomo, University of Brescia, Italy
Jatta Francesco, CNR, Italy
Legnani Giovanni, University of Brescia, Italy
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Control I
Keywords: Industrial robots, robot control, force control, robot dynamics, proportional gain.


This paper deals with the implementation of a hybridforce/velocity controller for the contour tracking of an object ofan unknown shape performed by an industrial robot manipulator. Inparticular we propose the use of a gain scheduling approach inorder to cope with the configuration dependent dynamics of the manipulator inconstrained motion and therefore in order to allow to obtainsatisfactory performances in a very large portion of the robotworkspace. Experimental results, obtained with a twodegrees-of-freedom SCARA industrial robot manipulator show theeffectiveness of the approach.