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Stabilization scheme for force reflecting teleoperation with time-varying communication delay based on IOS small gain theorem

Authors:Polushin Ilia, Carleton University, Canada
Tayebi Abdelhamid, Lakehead University, Canada
Marquez Horacio, University of Alberta, Canada
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Nonlinear Control Applications II
Keywords: Teleoperation, Time-delay, Stabilization


The problem of stabilization of force-reflecting teleoperators with time-varying delay in the communication channel is addressed. A control scheme is proposed which guarantees stability of the closed-loop telerobotic system in the presence of an arbitrary time-varying possibly unbounded transmission delay satisfying a set of technical assumptions. The proposed scheme also guarantees (in the ``semiglobal'' sense with respect to initial conditions and external forces) that the slave manipulator tracks the delayed trajectory of the master with error which is ultimately bounded by an arbitrarily small bound. The proof of this result is based on a special version of the IOS (input-to-output stability) small gain theorem.