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A Robust Invariance Approach to Idle Speed Control of a Spark Ignited Engine

Authors:Caravani Paolo, Univ of L'Aquila, Italy
Girasole Giovanni, Univ of L'Aquila, Italy
Topic:2.5 Robust Control
Session:Set-Invariance Techniques
Keywords: robust control, constrained systems, control invariance, box invariance


Idle speed control of a spark ignition engine is studied via a control invariant approach.A hybrid system describes torque generation atcycle--level. The continuous--time dynamics is reset at prescribedcrankshaft angles. Time--discretization allows to handle delays in thecontrol loop and constraints on state and control variables in a simple form by means of acontrol invariant technique. The synchronization problem is solved by a robustextension of the same technique. Controller implements a piecewise--linear state--feedback law.