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Robust Pole Assignment by State Feedback Control using Interval Analysis

Authors:Prado Marcia, University of Campinas - School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brazil
Lordelo Alfredo, University of Campinas - School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brazil
Ferreira Paulo, University of Campinas - School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brazil
Topic:2.5 Robust Control
Session:Robustness Analysis II
Keywords: Uncertain linear systems, pole assignment, intervals, polynomials, numerical algorithms


An interval analysis approach for the design of robust statefeedback controllers is proposed. It is shown that when regionalpole placement specifications are represented as spectral sets ofinterval polynomials, the robust state feedback design problem canbe entirely formulated and solved in the context of the conceptsand methods of interval analysis. Explicit convex polyhedralrepresentations of a class of robust state feedback controllerssatisfying an interval Ackerman's equation are derived. Adesign procedure based on nonlinear programming which aims atmaximizing the non-fragility of the resulting robust controller isintroduced. Numerical examples illustrate the design of robuststate feedback controllers through the interval analysis approachproposed.