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On robust rendezvous for mobile autonomous agents

Authors:Cortes Jorge, UCSC, United States
Martinez Sonia, UCSB, United States
Bullo Francesco, UCSB, United States
Topic:7.5 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Session:Multiple Vehicles II
Keywords: Networked control systems, rendezvous, proximity graphs, non-deterministic discrete-time dynamical systems, LaSalle Invariance Principle


This paper presents coordination algorithms for networks of mobile autonomous agents. The objective of the proposed algorithms is to achieve rendezvous, that is, agreement over the location of the agents in the network. We provide analysis and design results for multi-agent networks in arbitrary dimensions under weak requirements on the switching and failing communication topology. The correctness proof relies on proximity graphs and their properties and on a LaSalle Invariance Principle for nondeterministic discrete-time dynamical systems.