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Fuzzy Logic Control of Integrated Wastewater Systems

Authors:Katebi Reza, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Camilleri Flavia, University of Strathclyde, Italy
Topic:8.3 Modelling & Control of Environmental Systems
Session:Modeling and Control of Environmental Systems
Keywords: environmental engineering, fuzzy logic, integrated plant control, modelling, optimization, urban systems, waste treatment


The increasing importance of environmental problems in the last decades, and the consequently stricter regulations adopted, require a holistic approach in control and operation of wastewater process, whose primary objective is to maintain a good state of the receiving waters. This paper reports the study focused on building a Fuzzy Logic Control for integrated wastewater systems. The control involves Wastewater Treatment Plants, rivers and sewers. The results obtained are encouraging: the impact in the river is reduced and the wastewater treatment improved, particularly during wet weather conditions