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Real-Time Route Guidance in Large-Scale Urban Express Ring-Roads

Authors:Wang Yibing, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Sarros George, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Papageorgiou Markos, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Knibbe Willem Jan, Rijkswaterstaat AVV, Netherlands
Topic:7.4 Transportation Systems
Session:Traffic Flow Modelling and Control
Keywords: Transportation, urban express ring-road, dynamic user equilibrium, route guidance, traffic control.


The paper addresses real-time feedback route guidance in large-scale urban express ring-roads. Feedback routing strategies of bang-bang, P, and PI types as well as an ideal iterative strategy of the Frank-Wolfe type are applied to this end, with the aid of the macroscopic traffic modelling tools METANET and METANET-DTA. The investigation results indicate that real-time route guidance can help alleviate and dissolve heavy non-recurrent congestion, and establish dynamic user equilibrium.