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Chemical System Dynamic Identification with Application to Sensor Fault Detection

Author:Simani Silvio, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Ferrara, Italy
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Modelling, Estimation and Fault Detection for Process Control
Keywords: Chemical industry, System Identification, Fault Diagnosis, FaultDetection, Linear Systems.


The paper presents the application results concerning the fault detection of a dynamic process using linear system identification and model--based residual generation techniques. The first step of the considered approach consists of identifying different families of linear models for the monitored system in order to describe the dynamic behaviour of the considered process. The second step of the scheme requires the design of output estimators (\emph{e.g.}, dynamic observers or Kalman filters) which are used as residual generators. The proposed fault detection and system identification schemes have been tested on a chemical process in the presence of sensor, actuator, component faults and disturbance. The results and concluding remarks have been finally reported.