L. Boutat-Baddas1, J.P. Barbot1, D. Boutat2 and R. Tauleigne1 *
* 1 Equipe Commande des Systèmes (ECS), ENSEA, 6 Av. Du Ponceau, 95014 Cergy. {boutat, barbot, tauleign}@ensea.fr
2 LVR, ENSI-Bourges/Université d Orléans, 10, Bd. Lahitolle, 18020 Bourges. driss.boutat@ensi-bourges.fr
In this paper we highlight the difference between observability bifurcation and observing bifurcation. From this, we deduce that one way to improve transmission by synchronization of chaotic systems may be chaotic transmitter with also observability bifurcation. We end the paper, with an example of chaotic system with also an observability bifurcation. Moreover this example point out some benefits of the step by step sliding mode observer.
Keywords: Observability bifurcation, Chaotic system, Poincarés normal form, Slinding mode observer, information transmission
Session slot T-We-A21: Posters of Nonlinear Systems/Area code 2c : Non-linear Systems
