Pablo Carbonell* Zhong-Ping Jiang** Shivendra Panwar**
* Dept. of Systems Eng. and Control, Polytech. Univ. of Valencia, Plaça Ferràndiz i Carbonell, 2, E-03801 Alcoi, SPAIN
** Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng. and Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (CATT), Polytechnic University, Six Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
Implementing efficient TCP for the Internet necessarily has to cope with the problem that the source does not know in advance which window allocation policy should be the best to use for a given network condition. In this paper, an on-line adaptive fuzzy system is used at the source in an objective to find the best possible weighted combination among the available policies.
Keywords: TCP, congestion control, fuzzy logic, communication protocols
Session slot T-Tu-E04: Fuzzy logic and systems/Area code 3e : Fuzzy and Neural Systems
