15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Dragoslav D Šiljak* and Dušan M. Stipano vić**
* Santa Clara University, Santa Clara CA 95053, USA
** Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA

Stability criteria are proposed for two—variable (2D) polynomials having interval parameters in polynomic uncertainty structures. Both the left-half plane and unit circle domains are considered. Save for a minor condition, the criteria reduce robust stability testing of 2D polynomials to testing positivity of only two polynomials. The appealing feature of the new robustness criteria is that positivity testing can be carried out by using the efficient Bernstein minimization algorithms.
Keywords: Two–variable polynomials, interval parameters, stability, left–half plane, unit circle, positive polynomials, Bernstein expansion, time–delay systems
Session slot T-Fr-M18: New achievements in polynomial methods for system control theory/Area code 2b : Linear Systems