Daniel Riera* Miquel A. Piera* Antoni Guasch**
* Enginyeria de Sistemes i Automàtica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain {Daniel.Riera,MiguelAngel.Piera}@uab.es
** Instituto de Robótica e Informática Industrial, UPC/CSIC, Barcelona, Spain, Guasch@esaii.upc.es
The use of traditional production planning techniques is constrained by large numbers of decision variables, uncertainty in demand and time production, and non-deterministic system behaviour, characteristics intrinsic in manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to present a methodology that combines the modelling power of petri-nets (PN) to represent both manufacturing architecture and production logistics, together with the optimisation performance given by constraint programming (CP). While PN can represent the entirety of any system, CP is effective in solving large problems, especially in area of planning. The foundations to generate a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) from a PN are given.
Keywords: Methodology, Petri-nets, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Planning, Production systems
Session slot T-Tu-A19: Logic & Agent Modeling Approaches/Area code 1c : Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control
