15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Enric X. Martin1, Gaspar Delso1, Alicia Casals1, F. Xavier Borras2
1 Department of System Engineering and Automatic Control
Politechnical University of Catalunya
Barcelona, Spain
2 Department of Image Diagnosis. Hospital de Sant Pau
Barcelona, Spain

In this paper we present a method to quantify the cardiac blood irrigation through echographic images for heart disease diagnosis. This method relies on the registration of acquired images with a heart model in order to provide a robust segmentation of the cardiac walls, giving the doctor precise and non subjective anatomical information, as well as to advance towards future works oriented to automatic diagnosis.
Keywords: Medical Applications, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Man-Machine Interfaces, Multisensor Integration, Registration, Computer Vision
Session slot T-Tu-E21: Posters of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Systems/Area code 4c : Modelling and Control of Biomedical Systems