15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Alberto Leva1, Gian Antonio Magnani
Dipartimento di Elettronic a e Informazione, Politenico di Milano
Via Ponzio, 34/5 - 20133 Milano (Italy)

This paper presents a technique for detecting process dynamics variation with barely essential computational resources, thus applicable in very low-end autotuning regulators. The method is based on the online computation of convenient indexes, compared to nominal values obtained in the tuning phase. After describing the procedure, the results of its validation on a linear test batch, a test in a nonlinear case and some experimental results are briefly reported.
Keywords: PID control, autotuning, process control

Corresponding Author: Voice (39) 02 2399 3410, Fax (39) 02 2399 3412
E-mail: leva@elet.polimi.it
Session slot T-Th-M02: Time Delay and PID Adaptive Control/Area code 3b : Adaptive Control and Tuning