Stefan Nordbruch1,2 and Axel Gräser1
1 University Bremen, Institute of Automation Kufsteiner Str. NW1, 28359 Bremen, Germany
2 Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel-Institut Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Postfach 106364, 28063 Bremen, Germany
In this paper a monitoring system that simplifies the finding of optimal welding parameters, the analysis and the optimisation of pulsed gas metal arc welding is described. The system allows the visual online observation of all states of the process, including the droplet transfer, without an additional lighting unit. Additionally, the measurement of electrical welding parameters during image recording and the extraction of characteristic parameters are possible. Furthermore, the system allows the visual analysis of the images. For an analysis and optimisation of the process the systems computes statistical data of all collected and calculated visual and electrical data.
Keywords: sensor systems, on-line, monitoring, signal processing, visual pattern recognition, statistical analysis
Session slot T-Tu-A21: Posters of Manufacturing and Instrumentation/Area code 1a : Advanced Manufacturing Technology
