Luis A. Baigorria P., José F. Postigo, Vicente A. Mut, Ricardo O. Carelli, Benjamín R. Kuchen.
Instituto de Automática (INAUT), Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Av. San Martín Oeste 1109J5400ARL.San JuanArgentina. Tel:+54 264 4213303 Fax: +54 264 4213672 e-mail: {lbaigorria, jpostigo, vmut, rcarelli, bkuchen}
In this paper, the development and implementation of a client software package for process control is presented. The proposed software is based on a client server model under an Intranet architecture. The architecture is proposed for a telecontrol system of a real process, including the possibility of integrating I O devices with data networks based on open protocols such as TCP IP. This protocol allows the implementation of control systems using a low cost alternative. Some experiences on a pasteurization laboratory plant are presented to show the proposed architecture performance.
Keywords: Telecontrol, Telemetry, Communication protocols, Computer-aided control system design, Industry automation
Session slot T-We-M06: Low Cost Oriented Industrial Automation/Area code 1f : Low Cost Automation
