15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
G. Tapia(*), A. Tapia(*), R. Criado(**), J.R. Saenz(***)
(*) EUITI-D (University of the Basque Country), Control Department, Avda. Felipe IV, 1B, 20011 DONOSTIA,
SPAIN. Tlf: 34-943459644, Fax: 34-943473825, e-mail: isptaota@sp.ehu.es
(**) IBERDROLA, Gardoqui, 8, 48008 BIBAO, SPAIN, Tlf: 34-944151411 e-mail: r.criadro@iberdrola.es
(***) ESII (University of the Basque Country), Electric Engineering Department, Alda. Urkijo s/n, 48013
BILBAO, SPAIN. Tlf: 34-946014031, Fax: 34-946014200, e-mail: iepsaruj@bi.ehu.es

Until recent years, the connection of dispersed Independent Power Producers to electrical networks has not been a problem for utilities, due to the fact that installed power represented a small amount of the total power connected to the system. But in the last few years this scenario is changing and especially wind energy has turn out to be one of the most important and promising sources of renewable energy. Consequently, it is reasonable to think that wind generators should take part in the control of electrical variables of the network they are connected to
Keywords: reactive power control, voltage control, distribution networks, wind generation.
Session slot T-We-A09: Tools and concepts in power system control and -planning/Area code 7c : Power Plants and Power Systems