15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Harald Aschemann, Oliver Sawodny, Eberhard P. Hofer
Department of Measurement, Control and Microtechnology
University of Ulm, D-89069 Ulm, Germany
E-mail: harald.aschemann@e-technik.uni-ulm.de
Tel.: +49 731 5026336, Fax: + 49 731 5026301

A gain-scheduled trajectory control is exemplary presented for two of six available axes of an overhead crane that allows for positioning and inclining the crane load according to specified trajectories. Besides its tracking capabilities, the proposed control provides an active oscillation damping. The overall control structure consists of independent axis controllers, which are adapted to measurements of varying system parameters. These axis controllers take advantage of combined feedforward and feedback control as well as observer based disturbance rejection. The achieved control performance is shown by selected experimental results from an implementation on a 5 t - bridge crane.
Keywords: Trajectory control, gain scheduling, disturbance observer, crane control, robotics
Session slot T-Fr-M19: Control of Robotic Systems/Area code 1d : Robotics