15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Dr. sc. techn., Ph.D., D.Sc. Rudolf Starkermann
Juchstrasse 22, CH-5436 Wuerenlos
Switzerland, rstarkermann@access.ch

Awareness of a person’s own action is strongly related to a person’s conscience. An unscrupulous being blocks off his awareness and does not care about the consequence of his doing. Such a person is an autocrat. He is hyposensitize. His ego is inflated. On the contrary, a person of excessive awareness, of too much forbearance, can become timorous. He is hypersensitive. His ego is depressed. The autocrat with his oversized ego sets off toward his goal with uninfluenceable direction and reaches his goal well, even overshoots it easily if nothing hinders him. The forbearing person, the hypersensitive, operates leniently and, as a result, achieves only part of his desired or deserved aim. A person who is under-sensitive, or who blocks off awareness, can exert a will which is many times larger than the will a lenient person can exert before they become unstable and, then, no longer being able to strive toward their goal. These facts are demonstrated with a very basic circular cause-effect-cause model. The mathematics to describe the model’s behaviour is elementary.
Keywords: International Stability, human behaviour, bio cybernetics
Session slot T-Fr-A03: Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability (SWIIS)/Area code 5f : Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability