15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Heinz-Bernd Matthias, Peter Angerer, Eduard Doujak, Bernhard List
Institute for Waterpower and Pumps,
Vienna University of Technology

The paper shows the development of a knowledge based system to evaluate the technical condition of a hydro power plant including its components. This system analyses the condition of the components by evaluating selected influencing parameters and together with selected parameters about the whole power plant, it leads to statements about the existing refurbishing potential and the urgency of refurbishment measures including a priority list of technically advantageous component refurbishments. A subsequent economic evaluation analyses the influence of several economic influence parameters on the optimum refurbishing time. Finally results of case studies including sensibility analysis of the influence parameters will be shown.
Keywords: power generation, optimisation problem, hydraulic turbines, economic
Session slot T-Tu-M09: Power plant modelling and simulation/Area code 7c : Power Plants and Power Systems