15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
B.T. Polyak* S.A. Nazin* C. Durieu** E. Walter***
* Institute for Control Science, Moscow, Russia
** LESIR, CNRS–ENS Cachan, France
*** LSS, CNRS–Supelec–UPS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Ellipsoidal outer-bounding under model uncertainty is a natural extension of state estimation for models with unknown-but-bounded errors. The technique described in this paper applies to linear discrete-time dynamic systems. Many difficulties arise because of the non-convexity of feasible sets. Analytical optimal or suboptimal solutions are presented, which are counterparts in this context of uncertainty to classical approximations of the sum and intersection of ellipsoids.
Keywords: bounded noise, parameter estimation, state estimation, uncertain dynamic systems
Session slot T-We-A02: Set-membership estimation for uncertain dynamics and control/Area code 3a : Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing