Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro
Email: {msznaier,cmazzaro} Department of Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA 16802. USA
This paper addresses the problem of deterministic worst--case identification of non Schur plants in an open-loop setting. Thus, the proposed approach does not require prior knowledge of a controller that stabilizes the unknown plant. The main result of the paper provides an LMI based approach to obtain a nominal model of the plant as well as worst--case bounds of the identification error. The proposed method is interpolatory since it generates a model of the plant in the consistency set, and in the limit case of complete information converges in the l2-induced topology.
Keywords: Robust identification, open loop identification, convergence analysis, convex optimization
Session slot T-We-M21: Posters of Modelling, Identification and Discrete Systems/Area code 3a : Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing
