15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Miroslav Šimandl and Ondřej Straka
Department of Cybernetics
Cybernetic System Research Center
Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Plzeň, Czech Republic
simandl@kky.zcu.cz, straka30@kky.zcu.cz

A solution of the Bayesian recursive relations by the particle filter approach is treated. The stress is laid on the sample size setting as the main user design problem. The Cramer-Rao bound was chosen as a tool for setting the sample size for the three basic types of the state estimation, for filtering, prediction and smoothing. The mean square error matrices of particle filter state estimates for different sample sizes and the CR bounds are compared. Quality of the particle filters and their computational load are illustrated in a numerical example.
Keywords: Monte Carlo method, Nonlinear filters, Cramér-Rao bound, Mean-square error, Nonlinear systems
Session slot T-Th-A01: Identification of Nonlinear Systems II/Area code 3a : Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing