15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
D.J. Leith1,2, W.E. Leithead1,2
1 Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
2 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
University of Strathclyde, 50 George St., Glasgow, U.K.

This note concerns a fundamental issue in the modelling and realisation of nonlinear systems; namely, whether it is possible to uniquely reconstruct a nonlinear system from a suitable collection of transfer functions and, if so, under what conditions. It is established that a family of frozen-parameter linearisations may be associated with a class of nonlinear systems to provide an alternative realisation of such systems. Nevertheless, knowledge of only the input-output dynamics (transfer functions) of the frozen-parameter linearisations is insufficient to permit unique reconstruction of a nonlinear system. Under mild structural conditions, it is shown that knowledge of a family of augmented transfer functions is sufficient to permit a large class of nonlinear systems to be uniquely reconstructed. Essentially, the augmented family embodies the information necessary to select state-space realisations for the linearisations which are compatible with one another and with the underlying nonlinear system.
Keywords: Nonlinear systems, LPV Systems, Gain-Scheduling, System Identification.
Session slot T-We-A21: Posters of Nonlinear Systems/Area code 2c : Non-linear Systems