15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Han-Fu Chen*
* Laboratory of Systems and Control
Institute of Systems Science
A cademy of Mathematics and Systems Sciene
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The purpose of stochastic approximation is to find the roots of an unknown function f(·), which can be observed, but the observations are corrupted by errors. General convergence theorems for stochastic approximation algorithms with expanding truncations are presented. The observation errors are allowed to include both random noise and structural uncertainties. The conditions imposed on the observation errors are the weakest possible, while the function f(·) is only required to be measurable and locally bounded. Applications of the general convergence theorems to optimization and signal processing demonstrate the strong points of results given in the paper.
Keywords: Stochastic approximation, expanding truncation, convergence, optimization, adaptive filtering, channel idenfification
Session slot T-Fr-A01: Identification of Stochastic Systems/Area code 3a : Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing