15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Bioprocesses

Session Slot: T-Mo-M09
Area Code: 7d

Paper TitleAuthors  
Online Fault Detection in Virginiamycin ProductionS. Shioya, J.H. Huang and H. Shimizu
Local Linear and Non-linear Multi-Way Partial Least Squares Batch ModellingN.M. Fletcher A.J. Morris E.B. Martin
State Estimation of an Experimental Bioreactor Using the Extended Kalman Filtering TechnologyL.G.S. Longhi, S.M. Marcon, J.O. Trierweiler and A.R. Secchi
Nonlinear MPC for Recombinant Zymomonas Mobilis Fed-Batch Ethanol FermentationDavid Hodge and M. Nazmul Karim
A Systematic Model Reduction Procedure for Complex Bioprocesses Described by Metabolic Pathway NetworksJens E. Haag, Alain Vande Wouwer, Marcel Remy
Hybrid Modelling for On-Line Penicillin Fermentation OptimisationM. Ignova, G.C. Paul, C.A. Kent, C.R. Thomas, G.A. Montague, J. Glassey and A.C. Ward