15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Stability of Hybrid Systems

Session Slot: T-Th-E03
Area Code: 3c

Paper TitleAuthors  
Stability of a Class of Hybrid Dynamic SystemsGuangming Xie,   Long Wang,   Peng Yang
Hybrid LQ Controller with Prescribed Degree of StabilityVojislav Z. Filipovic
Coordinated Feedback and Switching for Wave SuppressionNael H. El-Farra Yiming Lou Panagiotis D. Christofides
Stability of Hybrid Control Systems: Criteria of Stability and Risk AnalysisFlorin Stanciulescu
Decentralized Hybrid Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Switched Composite SystemsHongfei Sun Jun Zhao
Stability Analysis of Networked Hybrid SystemsG. N. Davrazos and N. T. Koussoulas