15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 2126 July 2002
Neural Network Analysis and Learning
Session Slot:
Area Code:
Paper Title
N, ε
) Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Using Universal Learning Networks
Kotaro Hirasawa Jinglu Hu Junichi Murata
Incremental Neural Learning by Dynamic and Spatial Changing Weights
Noriyasu Homma Madan M. Gupta
Adaptive Noise Cancellation Using Dynamic Fuzzy Neural Networks Algorithm
Meng Joo Er
and Aung Min Sia
Support Vector Learning Based Modeling of a Solar Power Plant
C. Pereira and A. Dourado
Neural-Learning Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Variable Neural Networks
G. P. Liu
A Multilayer Recurrent Neural Network for Real-Time Robust Pole Assignment in Synthesizing Output Feedback Control Systems
Sanqing Hu and Jun Wang