Jimmy L. Humphrey, J. L. Humphrey & Associates, 3605 Needles Dr., Austin, TX 78746, A. Frank Seibert, Separations Research Program, University of Texas at Austin, 10100 Burnet Road, Bldg 133/CEER, Austin, TX 78758, J. Christopher Lewis, Technology R& D, ConocoPhillips, 166 PDC Bartlesville Technology Center, Highway 60 & 183, Bartlesville, OK 74004, and John P. Farone, Retired, 511 Fern Court, Cedar Park, TX 78613.
Smart Plants prevent problems before they occur. Advances and priorities for Smart Plants will be presented. Included will be a discussion of the importance of accurate real time material and heat balances around individual processes. A Smart Plant Case Study will be presented showing a quick pay-out for an energy saving opportunity.