457b Addressing Challenges In the Simulation of Lithium-Ion Battery Models

Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan and Venkat Subramanian. Chemical Engineering, Tennessee Technological University, 1020 Stadium Drive, Prescott Hall Room 307, Cookeville, TN 38505

Though Lithium-Ion battery was commercialized in 1991, it has several challenging issues to be addressed for potential applications like satellite, military and hybrid vehicles.1-6

Usually, the lithium-ion battery models have multiple partial differential equations in multiple dimensions (namely spatial coordinate x along the electrode and spatial coordinate r along the solid particles) with highly nonlinear kinetic and transport expressions that govern the entire electrochemical behavior of the battery system. Hence, with this nature of the model, its simulation process is computationally challenging even for normal design and analysis purposes. But, real-time simulation is necessary due to the technological developments in power systems that includes hybrid and stand alone environments.

With growing power requirements, batteries and fuel cell are playing vital role in advanced technologies like a portable power system that can power the entire building or office spaces. This also necessitates parameter estimation and capacity fade analysis in battery applications.

Recent researches7-12 that support the real-time simulation and parameter estimation revealed that advanced mathematical methods with thorough knowledge in battery system is needed to convert the highly nonlinear and multi-dimension battery models in to a mathematical form that can govern the battery behavior without losing physical significance.

This talk will present these and other developments in the real-time simulation and parameter estimation using a rigorous lithium-ion battery model. Progresses made in simulating different discrete events in battery management, cycling studies will also be presented. For example, a code that simulates 1000 cycles of charge-discharge behavior of a typical lithium-ion cell using physics based rigorous models in less than minute has been developed and will be presented.


The authors would like to acknowledge the US Government, US Army CECOM and NSF for funding various lithium-ion batteries modeling related work. The corresponding author VS would like to acknowledge Professor John Newman, University of California Berkeley for suggesting the need for real-time simulation of lithium-ion battery models.


1. G. G. Botte, V. R. Subramanian, and R. E. White, 2000, Electrochim. Acta, 45, 2595.

2. V. R. Subramanian, V. D. Diwakar, D. Tapriyal, J. Electrochem. Soc., 152(10), A2002-A2008 (2005).

3. V. D. Diwakar and V. R. Subramanian, J. Electrochem. Soc., 152(5), A984-A988 (2005).

4. S. Devan, V. R. Subramanian and R. E. White, J. Electrochem. Soc., 152(5), A947-A955 (2005).

5. Q. Guo, V. R. Subramanian, J. W. Weidner and R. E. White, J. Electrochem. Soc., 149(3), A307-A318 (2002).

6. V. R. Subramanian, P. Yu, B. N. Popov and R. E. White, J. Power Sources, 96(2), 396-405 (2001).

7. Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan and Venkat Subramanian. Journal of Power Sources, 173(2), 1006-1011, 2007.

8. Venkat Subramanian, Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan and Vinten Diwakar. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 10(11), A225-A260, 2007.

9. Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan and Venkat Subramanian. Electrochemistry Communications, 9(7), 1772-1777, 2007.

10. Venkat Subramanian, Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan, Kartik Potukuchi, Vinten Diwakar and Anupama Guduru. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 10(2), A25-A28, 2007.

11. Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan, Vinten Diwakar and Venkat Subramanian, “Review of various simulation approaches for lithium-ion battery models” in “Advanced Materials and Methods for Lithium-Ion Batteries,” Research Signpost, India, in press, 2007. (Invited article)

12. V. R. Subramanian, V. Boovaravan and V. D. Diwakar, "System Level Component Models for Electrochemical Power Sources in Hybrid Environments", The 2006 Annual AIChE meeting, San Francisco, November 2006.