In this work, a control-relevant stochastic combustion model is developed to describe the cyclically varying time history of the combustion process during the combustion period within the cylinder. The resulting set of model parameters, which can be efficiently estimated from sensor data, provide a much more complete description of the cyclic combustion process and are capable of characterizing not just point values, but variations in the entire evolution of the combustion period.
This work describes how the generality of the stochastic combustion model can be exploited. Examples include simulation of cyclic data sets with similar statistical properties to actual engine data and derivation of the traditional monitoring statistics, such as standard deviation of maximum pressure and start of burn angle, directly from the parameters of the model. The same approach also provides insight into the phasing of the cyclic process because a number of these monitoring statistics can be computed directly as a function of crank angle. It is also straightforward to evaluate the contribution from each of the physically meaningful model parameters to these quantities and, thereby, obtain some physical understanding of the mechanism involved.
The presentation begins with the framework of the stochastic combustion model and the variety of possible parameterizations. These parametric forms are fitted to engine data and the model validated by comparing the model simulations to verification data sets. The model is then used to estimate the stochastic properties of undesirable engine events such as knock through an evaluation of residuals. Finally, a stochastic control algorithm is proposed to maximize combustion efficiency.