Chih-Hung Sun1, Wei-Lun Min1, Nicholas Linn1, Bin Jiang2, and Peng Jiang1. (1) Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-6005, (2) Mathematics and Statistics, Portland State University, Portland, OR 97201
Antireflection coatings (ARCs) are widely utilized in reducing the unwanted reflection from flat-panel displays, car dashboards, optical components, and solar cells. Inspired by the microstructured cornea of some nocturnal moths, subwavelength-structured ARCs have been extensively explored. However, current lithography-based fabrication techniques in creating subwavelength features are costly and are limited by either low resolution or small sample size. Here we report several cheap and scalable bottom-up techniques for fabricating large-area moth-eye ARCs on transparent (e.g., glass and polymer) and semiconductor (e.g., Si, GaAs, and GaSb) substrates. All these techniques are based on a simple spin-coating technique that enables the creation of wafer-scale colloidal crystals with non-close-packed structures. The resulting ARCs exhibit superior broadband antireflection properties that are useful in developing high-efficiency solar cells and detectors. Two numerical methods – thin-film multilayer and rigorous coupled-wave analysis models have also been developed to simulate the specular reflection from the templated subwavelength structures.
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