Sessions Co-sponsored by Education
AREA: Education (04)
T6001 A Century of Reactor Design and Kinetics
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6002 The Biological Sciences in ChEmical Engineering
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6003 a Century of Transport Phenomena
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6004 Progress in Computing in ChEmical Engineering Education
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6005 a Century of ChEmical Engineering Design Education
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6006 a Century of ChEmical Engineering Thermodynamics Education
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6007 A Century of Separations
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6008 A Century of Process Safety (Co-sponsored by CCPS and the Safety and Health Division)
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6009 a Century of Process Principles
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6010 The ChEmical Engineering Summer School: A Retrospective
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6011 Department Level Curriculum Reform
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
T6012 200 Years of ChEmical Engineering Pedagogy: Reflecting on the Past, Designing the Future
Primarily sponsored by 04, Education
AREA: Undergraduate Education (04a)
12G01 Experiences with Product Design Capstone Courses and Projects
Primarily sponsored by 04a, Undergraduate Education
AREA: Professional Development Committee Liaison (04g)
T4005 Reactor Engineering for Biomass Feedstocks
Primarily sponsored by 04g, Professional Development Committee Liaison