Sessions Co-sponsored by Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
AREA: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals (01)
01D01 Transport Processes In Nanoscale Systems II
Primarily sponsored by 01d, Transport Processes
01D02 Fundamental Research in Transport Processes II
Primarily sponsored by 01d, Transport Processes
AREA: Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (01a)
01F01 Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Under Pressure
Primarily sponsored by 01f, High Pressure
02B04 Fundamentals of Nucleation
Primarily sponsored by 01a, Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
08A05 Polymer Thin Films and Interfaces I
Primarily sponsored by 01a, Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
21004 Symposium Honoring H. Ted Davis I
Primarily sponsored by 01c, Interfacial Phenomena
21005 Symposium Honoring H. Ted Davis II
Primarily sponsored by 01c, Interfacial Phenomena
21007 Industrial Applications of Computational ChEmistry and Molecular Simulation
Primarily sponsored by 01a, Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
21008 Recent Advances In Molecular Simulation Methods I
Primarily sponsored by 01a, Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
21009 Recent Advances in Molecular Simulation Methods II
Primarily sponsored by 01a, Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
T6006 a Century of ChEmical Engineering Thermodynamics Education
Primarily sponsored by 01a, Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
TH013 Perspectives and Prospects for Thermodynamic Modeling, Simulation, and Experimentation in ChEmical Engineering
Primarily sponsored by 01a, Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
AREA: Interfacial Phenomena (01c)
21004 Symposium Honoring H. Ted Davis I
Primarily sponsored by 01c, Interfacial Phenomena
21005 Symposium Honoring H. Ted Davis II
Primarily sponsored by 01c, Interfacial Phenomena
AREA: Transport Processes (01d)
T7000 Organic Trace Contaminants in Water (Invited)
Primarily sponsored by 01d, Transport Processes
TH014 Perspectives on Transport Phenomena
Primarily sponsored by 01d, Transport Processes
TH015 Future Directions in Transport Phenomena
Primarily sponsored by 01d, Transport Processes
AREA: Low Pressure (01g)
20005 Fundamentals of Surface Reactivity I
Primarily sponsored by 01g, Low Pressure
20013 Computational Catalysis I
Primarily sponsored by 01g, Low Pressure
20014 Computational Catalysis II
Primarily sponsored by 01g, Low Pressure
20015 Nanoscale Materials as Catalysts II
Primarily sponsored by 01g, Low Pressure
20025 Nanoscale Materials as Catalysts I
Primarily sponsored by 01g, Low Pressure
20030 Computational Catalysis III
Primarily sponsored by 01g, Low Pressure
20037 Fundamentals of Surface Reactivity II
Primarily sponsored by 01g, Low Pressure
20048 Computational Catalysis IV
Primarily sponsored by 01g, Low Pressure
TH003 A Century of Surface Science and Catalysis II
Primarily sponsored by 01g, Low Pressure