Read Me

Release Notes - March 2, 2006

If you can read this text, your browser is not set up to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This product depends heavily on CSS for formatting and navigation. Please upgrade your browser to a version that supports CSS.

This and more information is also available under the "Help" from within the product.

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System Requirements




ALL Systems

Running or Installing the Product

Running from Media

This product was designed to run directly from the media (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, etc.) from within a web browser.

Installing to Hard Disk or Network

  1. Create a folder on your hard drive or network where you will put the files.
  2. Open the media (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, etc.) for this product in your file browser.
  3. There are two items you need to copy from this product into the folder you just created. They are:
    • The main HTML file
      this is usually named "Start.htm" or "Begin.htm"
    • The "data" folder
      which contains all the support files for this product
    You do not need to copy over any other files.
  4. Once the files are finished copying, you may want to create a shortcut on your desktop. Click once on the main HTML file on your hard drive or network to select it, then:
    • Windows: Right-click the main HTML file and select Create Shortcut.
    • Mac: Select File > Make Alias.
    You can copy this shortcut to anywhere on your computer (including your desktop).
  5. You can remove the product media from your computer and launch (or double-click) the main HTML file from your hard drive or network.

This product is not supported when run from a web server.

Removing this product from your computer or network

This is as simple as deleting the folder containing the main HTML file and "data" folder. If you created shortcuts to the product, you will want to delete those as well.

Viewing Documents

While PDF is most often used for documents, this product may also contain other types of files. The software needed for each kind is listed below:

Contacting Technical Support

Support is available Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST, excluding major US holidays.

Online Technical Support Form

If you have an Internet connection, this form will send a support request to Technical Support. You will get a response within 24 hours during normal working days (requests sent after 4pm Fridays and during weekends will be handled the following Monday morning).

Support by Phone

1 608 246 2600

Please ask for Product Support. Have the following information available before calling:

Adobe Acrobat support, service, and troubleshooting resources can be found at Adobe's support web page.

Omnipress can only provide limited support for UNIX and Linux-based systems.