Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Location: Room 1
Date: Sunday, 18/Sept/2022
EFCE - Meeting: Working party on fluid separations
Location: Room 1

Date: Monday, 19/Sept/2022
Location: Room 1
Chair: Hendrik Adriaan Kooijman, Shell Global Solutions International BV, Netherlands, The

Absorption and CO2 capture

Véronique Pugnet, Stéphane Jouenne

Total Energies, France

Topic_6_A: Energy and sustainability in separation processes
Location: Room 1
Chair: Mario Roza, Sulzer, Switzerland

Carbon Dioxide Removal from the atmosphere by weathering minerals in a gas-liquid-solid contactor.

Richard C Darton1, Aidong Yang1, Liam Bullock3, Lei Xing2

1: University of Oxford, United Kingdom; 2: Loughborough University; 3: Geociencias Barcelona

Development of a novel industrial process for stripping of carbon dioxide and ammonia from bioprocess wastewater

José-Francisco Pérez-Calvo1, Martin Lucke1, Tuvshinjargal Otgonbayar2, Thomas Raiser1, Marco Mazzotti2

1: SULZER CHEMTECH AG, Switzerland; 2: Institute of Energy and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Reactive distillation of mixtures containing formaldehyde, methanol, water, and poly(oxymethylene) dimethyl ethers on pilot-scale

Alvaro Ferre1, Johannes Voggenreiter1, Christian F. Breitkreuz2, Hans Hasse2, Jakob Burger1

1: Technical University of Munich, Laboratory of Chemical Process Engineering, Straubing/Germany; 2: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Laboratory of Engineering Thermodynamics, Kaiserslautern/Germany

Modeling, validation, exergy evaluation and optimization of an industrial cryogenic air distillation plant under variable demand

Camilo Mora, Alvaro Orjuela

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

Location: Room 1
Chair: Jens-Uwe Repke, TU Berlin, Germany

Horizon Europe support for the European Green Deal

Soren Bowadt

HaDEA, Danemark

Topic_6_B: Energy and sustainability in separation processes
Location: Room 1
Chair: Andre de Haan, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The

Comparison of VCHP and MVR assisted distillation of MEG-water mixture via dynamic simulations

Ioannis Tyraskis1, Marija Saric1, Andrew Marina1, Pascal Padberg2, Manuel Graber2, Yann Pellny2

1: TNO, 1755 ZG, Petten, the Netherlands; 2: TLK Energy GmbH, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany

Vapor Recompression: An interesting option for vacuum columns?

Armin Rix, Moritz Schröder, Niklas Paul, Christoph Ehlers

Evonik Operations, Germany

Assessment of Dividing Wall Column separations - Revisit to the Vmin-diagram

Ivar J. Halvorsen

SINTEF, Norway

Can simple side stream configurations compete with fully thermally coupled dividing wall columns?

Momme Adami, Anna Sophia Horsch, Mirko Skiborowski

Institute of Process Systems Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg/Germany

Date: Tuesday, 20/Sept/2022
Location: Room 1

Carbon Management at BASF – Technological Pathways Towards Carbon Neutrality

Juergen Dahlhaus

BASF SE, Germany

Topic_4_A: Equipment design, technology and innovation
Location: Room 1

Development of flexible, miniaturized test columns for scale-up of distillation processes using 3D-printing

Johannes Neukäufer1, Mohamed Adel Ashour1, Nadin Sarajlic2, Harald Klein2, Sebastian Rehfeldt2, Jürgen Pschold3, Carsten Knösche3, Thomas Grützner1

1: Ulm University, Germany; 2: Technical University of Munich, Germany; 3: BASF SE, Germany

Design and Conception of an Innovative Liquid Distributor for Separation Column

Sergio da Cunha, Benoit Mizzi, Nataliya Shcherbakova, David Rouzineau, Michel Meyer, Vincent Gerbaud

Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INP, UPS, Toulouse, France

Topic_4_B: Equipment design, technology and innovation
Location: Room 1
Chair: Marc Wehrli, Sulzer Chemtech Ltd, Switzerland

C3 Splitter Revamp to Improve Separation Efficiency and Capacity

Senthil Krishnamoorthy1, Shashank Laturkar2, Vinit Kale3, Daniel R. Summers4, Dipak Shahare5, Mohammad Ahmad Khawdah5, Mohammed Ali Al-Sekhan6, Mahesh Kumar S6, Misfer Al Ghamdi7, Andrei Merenov8

1: Sulzer Chemtech, USA; 2: Sulzer Chemtech, India; 3: Sulzer Chemtech, Bahrain; 4: Retired from Sulzer USA; 5: Saudi Kayan, SABIC; 6: Global Cracker Technology, SABIC; 7: Process Safety, SABIC; 8: Engineering Science, SABIC

More than just Thermodynamics, mechanical design of dividing wall columns – best practice experiences

Robin Schulz

Julius Montz GmbH, Germany

The Development and Applications of a New Mass Transfer Tray Device

Neil Sandford1, Greg Spencer2, Alessandro Ferrari3

1: Koch Engineered Solutions, United States of America; 2: Koch Engineered Solutions Limited, UK; 3: Koch Engineered Solutions, Italy

Visualization of recirculation zones over a perforated plate: An optical flow technique for characterization of fluid dynamics in structured packing

Manasa Iyer1, John Pachón-Morales1, Joel Casalinho2, Jacopo Seiwert1, Mikael Wattiau1, Laurent Zimmer3, Hervé Duval2

1: Air Liquide Research and Development, 1 Chemin de la Porte des Loges, Les-Loges-en-Josas 78350, France; 2: LGPM, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, 3 rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France; 3: EM2C, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, 3 rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Location: Room 1
Chair: Elisabetta Brunazzi, University of Pisa, Italy

100 Years of Distillation with Trays and Packings and Beyond

Michael Schultes1, Daniel R. Summers2

1: Raschig GmbH, Allemagne; 2: Sulzer Chemtech USA, Inc. (retired)

Topic_4_C: Equipment design, technology and innovation
Location: Room 1
Chair: Izak Nieuwoudt, Koch Engineered Solutions, United States of America

Intensifying Modular Carbon Capture

David Bahr1, James Hall1, Thomas Yelland1, Jonathan Lee2, Kai Groß3, Robin Schulz3

1: Carbon Clean, 3 Valentine Place, London, SE1 8QH, U.K.; 2: School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, U.K.; 3: Julius Montz GmbH, Hilden, Germany

Characterization of the operating limits of a two-staged rotating packed bed

Tobias Pyka, Katharina Kohl, Jörg Koop, Christoph Held, Gerhard Schembecker

TU Dortmund, Germany

New temperature measurement methodology for a comprehensive understanding of rotating packed beds in distillation processes

Alexander Ressemann, Markus Illner, Jens-Uwe Repke

TU Berlin, Germany

Topic_4_D: Equipment design, technology and innovation
Location: Room 1
Chair: Mohammad Kalbassi, Brunel University London, United Kingdom

Recent developments in separation equipment for very large distillation and absorption towers

Mario Roza, Mark Pilling, Christian Bachmann

Sulzer, Switzerland

High Pressure CO2 Distillation Columns with Structured Packing – from Concept to Successful Column Operation

André Perschmann, Mariyana Chalakova, Annett Kutzschbach

Linde Engineering / Linde GmbH, Germany

Why NOT Structured Packings in High-Pressure Distillation Applications?

Jose Bravo1, Tony Cai2

1: Independent Consultant; 2: Fractionation Research, Inc., United States of America

Date: Wednesday, 21/Sept/2022
Location: Room 1
Chair: Igor Dejanovic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Croatia

From 2 tons per hour to 2 tons per second of oxygen

Bernard Saulnier, mikael Wattiau

Air Liquide, France

Topic_1_A: Basic Data
Location: Room 1
Chair: Ljudmila Fele Zilnik, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia

Entrainer selection for the extractive distillation of acrylic acid and propionic acid

Hilbert Keestra, Thomas Brouwer, Boelo Schuur, Jean-Paul Lange

University of Twente

Carbon dioxide capture with choline-based DESs solvents

Gabriela CIRIACO, Alain LEDOUX, Lionel ESTEL


Topic_1_B: Basic Data
Location: Room 1
Chair: Jens Abildskov, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

The unexpected weirdness of rate-based simulation of some high-pressure column operations

Attilio Praderio, Ruan de Villiers, Jingsong Zhou, Hendrik A. Kooijman, Ross Taylor

Clarkson University, United States of America

Thermographical determination of the effective mass transfer area of distillation

František Jonáš Rejl, Jan Haidl, Karel Mařík, Tereza Čmelíková, Lukáš Valenz

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic

Measuring local condensation heat transfer coefficients in cryogenic conditions.

Marie-Adélaïde Crémieux1, Jacopo Seiwert1, Brice Tréméac2, Florine Giraud2, Frédéric Crayssac1

1: Air Liquide Research and Development, 1 Chemin de la Porte des Loges, Les-Loges-en-Josas 78350, France; 2: Lafset - Laboratoire du froid et des systèmes énergétiques et thermiques, CNAM, Paris